Our whole School approach to:


Good attendance is important in keeping students safe and healthy, students need to be seen regularly to ensure that we are able to safeguard them effectively. Good attendance is needed to ensure students are getting the most from their education and learning to their full potential


Students must arrive in school by 9am on each school day. The register for the first session will be taken at 9am and will be kept open until 9.30am. The register for the second session will be taken at 1pm and will be kept open until 1.30pm.


The student’s parent/carer must notify the school on the first day of an unplanned absence by 8.30am or as soon as practically possible. We will mark absence due to illness as authorised unless the school has a genuine concern about the authenticity of the illness. If the authenticity of the illness is in doubt, the school may ask the student’s parent/carer to provide medical evidence, such as a doctor’s note, prescription, appointment card or other appropriate form of evidence. We will not ask for medical evidence unnecessarily. If the school is not satisfied about the authenticity of the illness, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised and parents/ carers will be notified of this in advance.


Planned absence attending a medical or dental appointment will be counted as authorised as long as the student’s parent/carer notifies the school in advance of the appointment. Parents should request a leave of absence by contacting the attendance officer. The Headteacher will then make the final decision. However, we encourage parents/carers to make medical and dental appointments out of school hours where possible. Where this is not possible, the student should be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary. The student’s parent/carer must also apply for other types of term-time absence as far in advance as possible of the requested absence.

Our policy for Attendance can be found under the policies section.