Our whole School approach to:
The ‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’ system has been implemented at Oakfield Lodge to create a strong ethos and atmosphere for the School; it is the pre-requisite to all our guidelines.
Positive adult role models are essential and a calm non-threatening approach by all is expected. High standards are expected from all students and expectations are clear and maintained consistently every lesson via our lesson monitor system. The ultimate objective is to foster self-regulated student behaviour.
Students are expected to behave in a sensible and courteous manner at all times and to treat people, property and equipment with care and respect. Specific guidance and direction will be given by members of staff to students behaving inappropriately. Giving the student time, in a calm environment, to reflect on the situation. If students remain agitated or continue to be disruptive ‘Team-Teach’ methods may be employed to de-escalate.
Students must be aware that staff in the School take the main responsibility for decisions, but the feelings and opinions of students are taken into account; they can provide their views on any such intervention that may have taken place.
Staff and students work hard together to create a calm working environment, where all are valued. Rewards are used throughout the school to recognise good behaviour for learning and a positive contribution to the school community. Much of the positive behaviour in school is created by encouraging all students to develop an intrinsic desire to improve.
Policy Document: Behaviour Policy LR0522 NR0523 (Under Review)
One of our students participating in a law and Order activity at Safety Central.