All school policies are reviewed annually by the Management Committee at Oakfield Lodge. If you require any additional policies or hard copies please contact the school office on
Acceptable Use Policy LR 0920 NR 0921
Accessibility Plan LR 0918 NR21
Allegations of Abuse Against Staff LR 0920 NR 0921
Attachments Exclusions Policy LR 0920 NR 0921
Behaviour Policy LR 1119 NR1120
- Behaviour Policy Covid addendum June 2020
- Behaviour Policy Covid addendum June 2020.docx
- Behaviour For learning REWARDS
Capability Policy & Procedure for Support Staff LR 0920 NR 0921
Capability Policy & Procedure for Teachers LR 0920 NR 0921
Cared for Children Policy LR 0918 NR 0922
Compliants Policy LR 0120 NR 0122
Data Protection LR 0920 NR 0921
Disciplinary Procedure 2020 LR 0920 NR 0921
Disciplinary Policy LR 09210 NR 0921
Equality & Diversity Policy LR 0920 NR 0921
First Aid Policy LR 0920 NR 0921
Freedom of Info Publication Scheme LR 0920 NR 0921
Governors Allowances LR 0920 NR 0922
Grievance Procedure LR 0920 NR 0921
Health and Safety LR 0920 NR0921
Mental Health Policy – Student LR0621 NR0623
Premises Management Policy LR 0920 NR 0921
Safeguarding policy 2021 name and role updates LR 0920 NR 0921
Standards of Conduct LR 0920 NR 0921
Teacher Appraisal Policy LR 0920 NR 0920
Teachers Pay Policy LR 09210 NR 0921
Teaching Learning & Assessment Policy LR 0121 NR 0122